
Guard Card – Initial (Phase 1)
This package includes necessary training to apply for the California Guard Card per the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS). The power to arrest training must be completed prior to the issuance of a Security Guard Registration (BPC Sections 7583.6 and 7583.8). All four required steps are completed on the class day:
- 3 hours BSIS Power to Arrest Class
- 5 hours Appropriate Use of Force Class
- Live Scan fingerprinting
- Online submission of the Guard Card application and fee to the BSIS.
The Guard Card registration is issued by BSIS, not by this training facility. Guard Card Registrations are typically issued in 2-6 weeks. Some registrations are issued quicker (24 hours), while other may take longer (8+ weeks). Any previous criminal history records may cause processing delays or denial by BSIS.
16-Hour Required Additional Training (Phase 2)
Per BSIS, the initial sixteen (16) hours of the required thirty-two (32) hours of training in security officer skills must be completed within the first thirty (30) days of guard card registration.
Class held over 2 consecutive days.
16-Hour Required Additional Training (Phase 3)
The remaining sixteen (16) of the required thirty-two (32) hours of training in security officer skills must be completed within the first six (6) months of registration.
Class held over 2 consecutive days.
8-Hour Required Annual Continuing Education
8 hours of continuing training must be completed annually. (BPC 7583.6)
PER 7583.6(e), for continued education (8 hours per year) the Appropriate Use Of Force Portion (2 hours) of this course MUST be completed in person. Therefore, since you must attend that part of this course in person, it is recommended that you complete the entire training in person.
32-Hour Required Additional Training (Phase 2 + 3)
The thirty-two (32) hours of training in security officer skills must be completed within the first six (6) months of registration.
Classes held over 4 days. The first 16-hours must be taken within 30-days of guard card registration and the remaining 16 hours must be scheduled within 6 months of guard card registration.
Initial Exposed Firearms Permit Training (Indoor Range)
$40 Non-Refundable Deposit*
$149.99 if payed in full at time of booking
$19.99/ Additional Caliber
Additional Fees:
$25 Range Fee**
$85 Livescan Fee**
$60 PSI Test (Psych)**
$100 BSIS Application Fee**
Two day (16 hours) Exposed Firearms Permit Training Class for security officers interested in obtaining the BSIS Exposed Firearms Permit and working as an armed security officer. Day 1 of the class is at our training facility (9:00 am start time – arrive by 8:30 am). Day 2 of the class starts at our training facility then moves to the range for live-fire qualifications. The range (Elite Armory Plus) is located at 7601 Eleventh St. Tracy, CA. The start time for Day 2 will be assigned by the Instructor on Day 1.
Cost: $159.99 for the class only, or $249.99 for the class and Live Scan Fingerprinting with DOJ/FBI and Firearms Eligibility Background Processing Fees. $19.99 for each additional caliber. $25.00 Range Fees are paid directly to the range, in addition to any rentals and or purchases from them. (The cost of the class does not include the $60 Firearms Permit Assessment fee and the $100 state application fee).
Due to the lack of ammunition available for sale and California’s strict ammunition purchase rules, which includes a background check, it may take the participant a month or longer to purchase and receive the necessary ammunition for this class. Participants must have the necessary ammunition (100 rounds per caliber) in his/her possession before scheduling is confirmed. Our staff will be in contact after purchase to verify the participant has the required ammunition. Purchasers that do not have the required ammunition will be put on a prepaid list and will be scheduled for the next available class, after they have the required ammunition.
After successful completion of the two-day class, participants must complete the Firearms Permit Assessment before submitting the state application.
Participants are encouraged to review and study the BSIS Firearms Training Manual before attending this class. All test questions on the closed book test come directly from the training manual.
Firearms Requalification
$30 Non-Refundable Deposit*
$19.99/ Additional Caliber
Three-hour Firearm Requalification Class, which includes Use of Force/De-escalation of Force lecture and range qualification. This class starts at our training facility and ends at the range. The range (Elite Armory Plus) is located at 7601 Eleventh St. Tracy, CA.
To be eligible to renew their permit, Firearm permit holders must complete four requalification classes during the two-year permit term (two during each 12-month period, at least four months apart). This works out to completing a requalification class approximately every six months.
Cost: $60 (for one caliber). The $25.00 range fee is paid directly to the range, in addition to any other rentals or purchases. $19.99 for each additional caliber.
Due to California’s ammunition purchase rules, which include a background check, it may take up to 10 days for a participant to purchase and receive the necessary ammunition for this class. Participants must have the necessary ammunition (50 rounds per caliber) in their possession before attending this class.
At each Fourth Requalification participants will need to take and pass the BSIS firearms written exam (the same exam from the initial firearms class). Participants are encouraged to review and study the BSIS Firearms Training Manual before their Fourth Requalification. All test questions on the closed book test come directly from the training manual.
*Your deposit is refundable up to 45 days after payment.
Initial Baton Permit Training
Additional Fees:
$60 BSIS Application Fee
The class is designed to give participants the minimum level of proficiency in carrying and use of a baton while on duty as a private security officer. Straight, side handle (PR-24), and expandable batons are covered. This class is part lecture discussion and part physical training using our training batons and equipment.
Only security guard applicants or registered (licensed) security guards may take this class.
Cost: $69.99. The $69.99 Class Fee does not include the BSIS Baton Permit fee. The cost of the BSIS Baton Permit is $60. The $60 permit fee must be paid to BSIS by the applicant after successful completion of the class. As of January 1, 2024, BSIS Baton Permits expire after two years (if the guard maintains a valid Guard Card).
Baton Permit Renewal Training
Additional Fees:
$40 BSIS Renewal Fee
Assembly Bill (AB) 2515 (Holden, Chapter 287, Statutes of 2022) was signed into law by Governor Newsom on September 13, 2022, and makes several changes to BSIS issued baton permits, effective January 1, 2024.
New requirements for baton permits:
- Applicants must submit a complete application and fee directly to the Bureau.
- All baton permits will be subject to expiration and renewal every two years.
- Applicants for an initial baton permit, and those renewing an existing baton permit, must complete a baton training course at a licensed Baton Training Facility.
- Permit holders need to complete the training specified in BPC Section 7585.9 within six months prior to the expiration date. An expired baton permit cannot be renewed. If your baton permit expires before it is renewed, you must apply for an initial permit.
All permits issued in a year ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) will expire in 2024 and all permits issued in a year ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) will expire in 2025.
Only security guard applicants or registered (licensed) security guards may take this class.
Cost: $40. The $40 Class Fee does not include the BSIS Baton Permit fee. The cost of the BSIS Baton Permit is $40. The $40 permit fee must be paid to BSIS by the applicant after successful completion of the class. As of January 1, 2024, BSIS Baton Permits expire after two years (if the guard maintains a valid Guard Card).
Handcuffing/Pepper Spray Training
Familiarization and basic use of handcuffs and pepper spray (Chemical Agents) for security officers.
Most participants attend both portions of the training (Handcuffing AND Pepper Spray). However, some participants only want to attend one portion, so options are presented during booking.
Note: The Pepper Spray class fulfills the BSIS training requirement for Chemical Agents. During the Pepper Spray class, only inert (water based) training spray is used and participants are NOT sprayed. A certificate of completion and wallet card, valid for one year, are issued after completion of the class.
CEW TASER Pulse Self Defense Tool
This class is open to security guards with a valid Guard Card, or to security Guard Card applicants only. The class provides basic operational theory of the TASER brand Pulse Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) Self Defense Tool. The class length is approximately four hours. During the class, participants learn how to reasonably, safely and effectively operate the TASER Pulse. Participants will also demonstrate competency by deploying and shooting the TASER Pulse into a mannequin. Participants are not exposed to the effects of the TASER Pulse. A certificate of completion and wallet card, valid for one year, are issued after completion of the class.
CPR/AED & First Aid Training
We are an approved American Safety & Health Institute Training Center. Our authorized Instructors provide high-quality, effective emergency care training. Our CPR, AED and First Aid classes help security officers, businesses, schools and other organization employees meet their compliance goals and build confidence to respond.
We are currently upgrading our e-commerce system, please fill out the form below or give us a call at +1 (209) 926-9720 to schedule a course or training.